
Growing up within a large family of 8 within a family that's built their life around their business of saw-milling in a small place called Inglewood he never wanted to be stuck there, throughout a life of fighting and violence leaving school at the age of 15 he found himself drawn more towards isolation placed in-front of his computer hidden away in his room. 
Scott ended up pursing a professional career in computing, only just getting into the course at the age of 16 he studied Comp TIA for two years at the Practical Education Institution (PEI)
it wasn't long after that he found him self back saw-milling once more, after a year or so and a heart broken mess from a failed relationship he looked towards art for a creative outlet to all his sorrow, it was around this time that he found a passion and drive for art so he applied for level 3 at Western Institution of Technology, which only elevated his drive even more.

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